It's been kind of a hard week, and I'm not really sure why. I feel like it's something internal and not so much from any outside source...this beast is from within. I just finished reading C's blog, and she made reference to good things lasting, a sentiment in a country song of late (which I haven't heard, but now want to hear). I am a country fan. There was a time when I thought I would never say that, but there it is folks. I don't like the super twang stuff, but I love the sentiment of a lot of the songs that I hear (probably the reason why those who don't like country don't like it too, considering it too sappy or WAY below average, etc. --- ironic). I like it just the same. Anyway, after reading her post, I was thinking about the good things in my life, things that particularly have made me happy THIS very week. I am hunting down the opposition in all things. Here's what I can come up with so far (I've read some pretty good lists on Geo's site as well):
1. Not having to go to work on Monday.
2. Getting to hang out with my boys instead.
3. Being able to enjoy the late afternoon sunlight in the chair in the front room...something I usually missed all the time before because I typically wasn't home.
4. Time in the scriptures.
5. Not only that, but ENJOYING my Old Testament reading.
6. FHE
7. Reflection on gospel principles
8. Prophets' voices/messages and how easily these can be brought into your home
9. Having to pump, because that means guaranteed time to read
10. Seeing my boys starting to really want to communicate
11. Working out
12. Conversations with my sister on the phone
13. Sending flowers to someone
14. Following a thought/prompting to call someone when I thought that someone was having a bad day, and she was
15. The good feeling that follows when you feel like you are really trying to be there for people you care about
16. Water
17. Costco's trail mix...I love it
18. Finally getting my makeup on (which I don't wear everyday anyway) by 4:20 this afternoon and feeling "ready" for the day
19. Running into a high school friend/acquaintance at the store
20. Songs in Spanish
21. Feeling at peace with my life and my priorities
22. The joy of not feeling complacent (having an earnest desire to DO more, to BE more)
23. Being inspired by a movie
24. A cozy bed
25. Being thought of
26. Getting a lot of cleaning done
27. Hints of first giggles
28. A girlfriend asking if she could bring me lunch and coming over to visit and getting to catch up with her
29. Getting to go to sacrament meeting last Sunday
I'll keep counting.