I have been working outside all week. I'm sure that's where you'll be able to find me for the next few weeks straight.
Actually, probably all summer and fall.
I love our yard. We actually were pretty much sold on the house because we loved the yard so much. It was the first thing we saw of the house and fell in love.
I have big, big plans.
This week has been full of digging out this prolific plant/ground cover that has taken over everywhere. A pretty plant, but kind of like ivy with vines that weave in and around everything around them. Maybe they originally planted one or two, and left untouched, they have gone crazy.
But my vision includes black-eyed susans and purple coneflower. Maybe some bee balm. Maybe some aster. I want country-wildflower flower beds that call the butterflies.
So this week I have been taking out all that crazy stuff and making room for these blooms. I need to call the garden center I like to go to and see if those plants are there yet so I can put them in the ground.
I'm going to go to Costco later today and buy solar lights and a hose.
The green on my thumb is getting more and more green from all this honest-to-goodness practical application I've just begun in my honest-to-goodness own yard.
And here's the other love: I'm pretty much addicted to homemade bread.
But really, who isn't?
I made some to take to dinner last night. Whole wheat with flaxseed, raw sunflower seeds, wheat bran and oatmeal in it.
Ate some before dinner. And then, at about 11:00ish last night, I was breaking off chunks of it in the kitchen, dolloping peanut butter on top and was in soul satisfaction.
I intended to make green smoothie for breakfast, but that dang bread was staring me in the face on the counter.
So I did what I wanted to do: grabbed the peanut butter, a glass of milk, and went to town.
And I found myself thinking about the pioneers.
I have this notion that they ate homemade bread with almost every meal. And I totally know why. I would feel 100% at home amongst them in this regard. It's addicting. You start and you just can't stop.
Homemade bread.
With peanut butter.
Toasted with butter and honey.
There's not much better in life.