Friday, June 11, 2010

This Is What Tired Looks Like

When we left on vacation and visited my inlaws a couple weeks ago, the boys fell asleep on their bed during a movie one afternoon.

I snapped lots of photos.

And after everyone had gone out from looking at how sweet they were, I stood at the foot of the bed and looked at my boys and kind of choked up.

I thought of these photos, taken two and a half years ago.
It has reminded me of sweet moments past, and how I feel like I was better then at treasuring every moment. Too often now I get frustrated with them, mack on their sister a lot more than I remember to love on them. But gosh...they are growing, and fast.
And the truth is, I love them more than life itself. And I'd always ask for one more day with them.
They make up the fibers of my heart.

I've got to hold them while I can and while they want me to.

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