Tuesday, January 19, 2016


It has been gray out for days, it seems.

Yesterday morning we sat around the breakfast table and read from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech.

Afterward, I turned on music and set them to it with paints and large sections of butcher paper, telling them I wanted them to paint something that inspired them from the speech, or something it made them think about.

Isaiah painted the Lincoln Memorial, where King delivered the speech.
Benji drew King in his sleep, having a dream of little black boys and little black girls holding hands.
Mia imagined a storefront of a cafe from the '60s where segregation was still in place.
And Claire just painted---because.

Afterward, they busied themselves with whatever they wanted to do: playing with their cousin, time with friends.
My little gal and I made a cake for MLK day: we made a chocolate layer, then rinsed out the bowl and went for another round making the vanilla layer.
After the cakes came out, two of the kids were gone playing and two were in my bed watching a movie.  It was rainy/snowy out, and I slipped outside to run.  

It was cold---but not unpleasant, quiet and peaceful.  I got wet in the rain and listened to a good tune on repeat.  So relaxing and lovely.
When I got home, I got busy making both chocolate and vanilla icing and put the cake together, topping it with crushed peanut butter cups.
After dinner, we lit tea lights in the dark and talked about using the light within us to rally for causes that are right, for things we feel passionate about.  

I told them I have no idea what is in store for them or what will happen in days ahead.  But I'm really inspired by folks like Martin that used their voices to brighten the world, to shine light on truth, to build bridges of love and not hate.

Which brings me to this, because it is along the same vein.  This quote that I read on Sunday night by the fire in the quiet keeps resurfacing in my mind:

"How are we supposed to act when we are offended, misunderstood, unfairly or unkindly treated, or sinned against?  What are we supposed to do if we are hurt by those we love, or passed over for promotion, or are falsely accused, or have our motives unfairly assailed?  Do we fight back?  Do we send in an ever-larger battalion?  Do we revert to an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, or...do we come to the realization that this finally leaves us blind and toothless?"
(Howard W. Hunter)

I love this---so much.  I love how he expresses this idea.

He also taught that "gentleness is better than brutality, that kindness is greater than coercion."

I think MLK Jr. understood this too, fighting for a cause without becoming violent.

I'm inspired by his courage, his conviction, his light.

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