All right, these are two (2!) events in only the last 24 hours!!
Last night, with guests at the dinner table no less, my son picks up a blueberry that had fallen under the dining room table. It was from a previous dinner party probably (whoops), and hadn't been noticed. So he picks it up.
"What's this, Mom?"
It's a blueberry.
"No, it's a poop!"
(And yes, this is the same son I was also writing about in the last post that said this same phrase. Also at the dinner table, I might add. Question to self: What? Seriously? What is this?)
I start to tell him that it's a blueberry again (and, I'm thinking, "for crying out loud shhh!") because I'm feeling embarrassed and hoping the company didn't hear it the first time around. (These were guests of my father.)
Didn't work. He repeated it several times over, and louder.
Sure did.
And then, at lunch today, just as we were about to say prayer before eating, my dad opens the back door to say that he is heading to get some gas for the lawnmower. That's all he said.
My boys thought the three letter g word from that sentence was hilarious.
I am not exaggerating when I say that the entire lunch conversation for those two little boys consisted of sitting at the counter, looking at each other, and saying, "Gas?" back and forth and bursting into laughter.
I had to text Scott right then at work and tell him about it.

Switching from the hilarity of bodily functions, Scott is running in the Wasatch Back Relay this weekend. We went up for the team dinner tonight at my aunt and uncle's home. My uncle has been battling cancer for eight years now and things currently don't look too hot. They were Team Ford last year in honor of him, and are continuing that this year. When they pulled out the shirts tonight and I read the front caption, I started to get emotional.

Switching from the hilarity of bodily functions, Scott is running in the Wasatch Back Relay this weekend. We went up for the team dinner tonight at my aunt and uncle's home. My uncle has been battling cancer for eight years now and things currently don't look too hot. They were Team Ford last year in honor of him, and are continuing that this year. When they pulled out the shirts tonight and I read the front caption, I started to get emotional.
Belonging to something, pulling together, loving individuals and families and honoring each other.
It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.
So chant and hurrah and shoot off fireworks and cheer for them in your thoughts for this weekend, and I'm hoping for this kind of love to circle and hug the world.
It made me feel inspired tonight.
Oh, and by the way, I _LOVE_ this girl.
Oh I love her so much!