I suppose my life is like everyone else's.
I have really fabulous days.
And days not so hot.
Kinda like today.
I've had three-year-olds who don't seem to have even one ear for listening. Or they do and completely disregard any words coming out of my mouth and turn and do it anyway. Over and over. That kind of day.
And then there was the pretty-much-fight on my cell with my husband, in the car.
All leaving me feeling somewhat lousy.
I found some solace today.
I love love love to cook.
I love to cook dinner for my family.
I love to cook for friends.
I love giving love through food --- there is a very real kind of love in food that is made with absolute enjoyment.
The kids and I got home around 5:30, and the boys asked for chicken and pasta.
I thought of chicken cacciatore. (= divine)
I was standing at the stove with Isaiah. We were sampling bites of the chicken and waiting for the noodles to be done, bubbling away in a neighboring pot.
Joshua Bell's Romance on the Violin was playing in the background.
And for just a moment, it was like I could escape in all that love.

My son asking for another bite of chicken because it was good.
I could imagine myself barefoot in a small kitchen on a skinny, quaint, windy, bustling-with-life-street in Italy. A cute apron wrapped and tied around my waist. Bread rising on a sideboard.
An incredible salad tossed to perfection on my counter.
My hair pulled back.
Something delicious on the stove.
Music and voices floating in through my open door.
Clothes lines and overflowing flower boxes and buildings of all different colors out my window.
A table set for a dinner party.

It reminded me how much I love classical music, how soothing it is, how beautiful. Definitely needs to be on my daily dose.
What a blessed catalyst it was today.
And having three children who loved their dinner.
And helped clean up.
And watching Benji round the corner of the kitchen in response to my calling him over and over.
He was on his knees and hands. With his wolf face on, growling, "What?"
I actually couldn't help but laugh that time.
And I really should laugh more of those times instead of be annoyed.
He is in the joy of being three and imagining his own getaways.
Wolf land.
On the prowl through bedroom and front room and stairs and all.
It's nice to have something that takes you away sometimes.
(And here's to my 200th post!)