Yesterday, I gave this sweet friend of mine a birthday present.
She's 25 years young.
I adore her.
We have a phrase that we often say to each other in our conversations.
Sometimes it's a joke.
Sometimes it's to signify that we're moving on with a point in the conversation, that there isn't much else to say.
Sometimes it's admitting we are pathetic, as we laugh.
(ie. We haven't showered and it's 5:00 in the afternoon.
But, hey, it's all good.)
For her birthday, I decided to make the t-shirts
that I've been thinking about for some time.
When she opened up the shirt and saw what it said, she burst into laughter.
This saying ties us together, she and I.
Last night, when I finished running, I was thinking about fully embracing that phrase -- every day.
What if I chose to believe it in all aspects?
That everything is, or will be, all good?
What if I chose to believe that:
everything ultimately has a purpose,
things don't happen by mistake,
pain is my teacher,
things that are now muddy will one day be clear,
love is worth it,
learning and growth are part of what I signed up for,
kindness is never wasted,
my life is tailored to the things I need to grasp,
everything shakes out eventually,
all experience is part of a whole,
and that, in the end,
it really is all good?
I guess that's akin to living with faith and hope and optimism, patience and forgiveness and love.
When I live, trying to apply these ideals,
my life really does feel good.
(And, as an aside, as I'm looking at these pictures, I can't help but think that we look like we are part of a breast cancer cause or something -- all that pink and white. It's kind of humorous to me.)
(And, as an aside, as I'm looking at these pictures, I can't help but think that we look like we are part of a breast cancer cause or something -- all that pink and white. It's kind of humorous to me.)