No, I'm not yet anticipating July in January.
Last night, Scott had long since fallen asleep next to me as I had started to write in my journal to try and catch up on funny stories about my kids. I was thinking back to last summer.
Right around the 4th, we had gone running one night all together. Three kids strapped in the triple jogger, Scott pushing them, me running alongside. We had run up to 4th South and came back down Main as we made our way back home.
When we got here, folks down the street were setting off fireworks and the boys were intrigued. We all wanted to watch. I think Scott ran in to use the bathroom and I was going inside to get our small firework collection of flowers and sparklers for the boys and Mimi to enjoy. Telling the boys to sit together on the lawn and wait for us, I turned to go in the house. A ways down the driveway, I looked back to see my two little sons sitting next to each other, their backs to me, on a blanket in the warm July night -- quiet, snug, their two heads watching down the street.
Even though it has been several months, that image is still speaking to me. It's just a small snapshot, a moment-from-a-million-moments from mothering. But it is giving voice to at least one of my resolutions this year -- which is the reminder to cherish more. Maybe not care so much about my house being clean or accomplishing my list of things to do as much as spending time with my kids and enjoying them now. To rejoice in the present and to recognize the value of each moment and to celebrate my life.
I'm saying it again to myself: Celebrate. my. life.
I like it.