This morning I took a deep breath and stopped rushing around.
It's sad to say but this is hard for me to do, but oh so necessary.
I'm kind of productivity driven.
Kind of a go-go-go woman, if you will.
We made waffles.
Read books.
Played memory.
And now we're headed out for a walk.
I realized yesterday that Thanksgiving was six weeks away.
I'm already excited.
That means it's only 6 weeks til all the Christmas decor goes up.
Pictures from Thanksgiving 2010 (not pictured: all the children that were running around and had their own special table to sit at)

This weekend we have a (hopefully) relaxing nite tonight, Christmas choir practice in the morning, family pictures, a family dance, and possibly a get together with our dear friends that we love.
Hope you have a good weekend, too.
It's sad to say but this is hard for me to do, but oh so necessary.
I'm kind of productivity driven.
Kind of a go-go-go woman, if you will.
We made waffles.
Read books.
Played memory.
And now we're headed out for a walk.
I realized yesterday that Thanksgiving was six weeks away.
I'm already excited.
That means it's only 6 weeks til all the Christmas decor goes up.

Hope you have a good weekend, too.