Wednesday, January 04, 2012


 I have to post two things from last Sunday, January 1st.
One today.
The other tomorrow.

I was sitting in church on Sunday listening to a lesson.  

Marcie, who was teaching, began to read this quote by President Hinckley. He is a man I deeply respect, both as a prophet and as a deeply insightful human being whose words moved me -- and continue to move me.

I choked up as I heard his words.

I thought of my Mimi.

"When you save a girl, you save generations.  She will grow in strength and righteousness.  She will marry in the house of the Lord.  She will teach her children the ways of truth. ...I see this as the one bright shining hope in a world that is marching toward self-destruction."
I have no idea what decisions she will make in her life. 
I don't know what's ahead for her.
I know she will face struggles and have to make decisions.
I know she will have times where her heart will break.
I hope she finds happiness beyond what she can fathom or imagine for herself.
Doesn't every mother want that?
I know she will have decisive moments.

But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her and her brothers, that I don't, even unconsciously, dream big in my heart for them.

I feel the truth and power of what he said as I look at her.
She is a potent force for good.
For truth.
For goodness.
For light.

Mostly I never want her to forget who she is.
Where she came from.
That she knows things that are significant and can guide her life, can land her back on the shore after stormy waters.  Can be the compass she will need to make it through them.
I know she will need it.
 I want her to know and believe she is a bright, shining hope.
That she has truth to carry amid the darkness.

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