Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And the Love Has Begun

Last night I went to the store to get our food for tonight's dinner.
I ordered balloons for our table to pick up this afternoon.
I listened to a new favorite love song over and over in the dark, driving in the rain.

This morning I awoke to the beginning of love day.
A note from my mom, half a world away, with individual notes to each of the children.
My eyes welled up as I read her letters.
I love you, Mom.
Happy Valentines Day.

On the back door were notes for the whole family from Mr. C.

I went out into the falling snow for a cool morning run.

And now it's off to start love day with a lovey breakfast.

I wanted to leave you with a couple poems by the late Leslie Norris to his wife, Kitty.

Roses and Snow

I cannot give you roses, Love,
The garden has grown cold.
Frost shivers in the winter air,
The year is thin and old.

Yet were the warmth of love enough
To make the garden grow
I'd set the whole world burgeoning,
Bring roses from the snow.

And, one more.

On Reading The Art of Growing Older
[An anthology selected by Wayne Booth]

This book I bring so and you and I
[Who'll not grow old although we die]

Will understand what happens when
Time's dart attacks all other men.

But we can see so clearly
[As I see you and you see me]

That changes vanish in our sight.
It's age that withers in love's light.

As I was walking around the block after my run, I found myself on the brink of choking up.  I thought of my mom's notes again.  And beyond that, I can't help but be reminded and so grateful for the many blessings and reasons and people and joys that bring love into my life.

I hope you feel that love today, too.

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