Thursday, February 09, 2012

What We're Waiting For

We hung this out a few weeks back.  Last year when we put it out, we didn't have any visitors for such a long time.  Just about the time I felt all hope was lost, they began to come.  We watched them through breakfast, at lunch, in the afternoon.  One at a time, two at a time, three and four...huddled around, pecking quickly, bumping each other.  It was so fun and magical, really.
They got so used to us being on the other side of the glass that they'd go on feeding without flying off at the first movement from inside.
We're in the waiting game again.
It had only been up six days or so when the first visitor noticed it and my heart leaped.
I thought we'd have plenty of chaps coming from that moment onward, after the announcement was made to feathered friends far and wide in our neighborhood trees.
It has been sparse, though.  I think they're still scared of us.
But we are oh so eager.
I am oh so eager.

It is one of the sweet joys of winter (mild though it has been) to watch them.
Different colors, bigger, smallish, brown or bright.
Chirping, gathering, watching wings in flight.

I hope they come soon.

And these.
My heart jumps at the thought that within a few weeks time, these beauties will stretch up through the dark, moistened soil, and brighten the world with their brilliance.  
It shan't be long, friends, til the daffodils.

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