Summer is teasing me away from this computer screen.
I have lots I could blog about, but each morning I'm pulled to time with my kids.
This morning after breakfast we gathered round to read from Little House in the Big Woods.
Then we read some on water: waste and polluted, respectively.
I've got a couple loads of laundry calling my name.
Need to go outside and water all the flower pots and my basil.
Already went out and refilled the bird feeder for our feathered friends and pulled a few weeds out of various beds, checked the garden, wanted to see the corn's progress.
(I'm already so excited about this corn because I'm going to make this in the fall for the front door.)
You know those days that just seem perfect, the kind you don't want to slip away?
Sunday and Monday were like that.
Sunday morning was bright and beautiful.
After church we peeled potatoes and left them in water on the stove for boiling later so we could mash them.
Chopped up an onion and snuggled it in around a roast that had been generously salted and peppered.
Peeled carrots, tossed them in olive oil, sprinkled them with salt and pepper and dill weed for roasting.
Then took an afternoon snooze.
Let me tell ya, those afternoon snoozes on Sundays are like a cold drink in the desert.
We woke up to the smell of roast and finished preparing dinner.
When we finished eating, we left everything out and left to an evening in the park.
We spread blankets and listened to a brass band playing classical pieces and the national anthem, among other things.
(During the childrens' march)
Halfway thru there's a march thru the park for all the children (and any adults who feel like jumping in).
We walked around the park with evening light spilling thru the tall trees.
We spread blankets and ate candy bars and Mr. C. and I played Set and then we played a Memory game with the kids.
(Listening and playing games)
It was the gift of a few perfect, contented hours.
Monday evening there was lawn mowing and BLTs on homemade artisan bread with salad made with lettuce from the garden and homemade steak fries.
Then a quick family home evening lesson followed by ice cream cones and sitting on the deck with the patio lights in the darkening light.
And then a special treat of sparklers.
I found myself marveling the wonder of time together,
reveling in the joy I feel here.
Making a home isn't just about all of the work involved (laundry, cooking, cleaning (oh the endless scrubbing!), maintenance), tho it certainly is that.
It's the bonding of people.
It's relationships blooming.
It's a safe haven from outside.
It's a place where peace is.
It's spending time with people you love and coming to know them in personal ways.
(All of us, in shadow, during the march for the children)
It's about creating a family, which is so much more.
(And something which made my day and inspired me? Maybe for my next birthday?
Read THIS.)
(And something which made my day and inspired me? Maybe for my next birthday?
Read THIS.)